Paul Nussbaum – Save your brain

Beginning with a diagnostic quiz to help you determine your overall brain health, and ending with meal plans and recipes for a brain boosting diet, Save Your Brain is an easy-to-follow comprehensive guide to getting the brain in the best shape possible, and keeping it there-for life!
Doing the daily crossword puzzle and drinking Ginko Biloba may not be enough in fighting off mental decline. Alzeimers and Dementia are on the rise but clinical neuropsychologist David Nussbaum presents a comprehensive 5-part program for keeping brains operating at their best and fighting off these debilitating diseases.
Paul David Nussbaum is a clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in aging across the lifespan and brain health. He lectures nationally and internationally on the human brain, brain-behavior relations, diseases of the brain, and brain health promotion.





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